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Traditional Kasu Mala and Beaded Haram

Beautiful Lakshmi kasula peru studded with rubies and gold balls haram studded with emeralds by Hiya Jewellers, Hyderabad.

Stunning Diamond Necklace

Beautiful diamond necklace studded with kundans and ruby and hanging south sea pearls.

Dazzling Diamond Necklace

Beautiful diamond necklace studded with ruby and emerald by Malabar gold and diamonds.

Multistring Beaded Long Chain

Multistring beads haram with strings attached to mango shaped clasps and a simple gold choker.

Stunning Ruby Mango Mala

Dazzling mango mala studded with rubies, emeralds and diamonds.

Emeralds Necklace

Emerald necklace studded with zircons and ruby beads.

Floral Diamond Bangles

  18 carat gold floral design diamond bangles from GRT Jewellers.  
peacock polki bangles

Peacock polki bangles
